[if (when) you witness glitches try using the reset buttons (Q and R)]

[There is a bug in the 4th level, it wont go to the next level, in order to finish the game, you have to go back to the main menu and choose level 5]

[if you get stuck on the main menu, you have to drag the banana onto the button]

[if you need to restart the level, close and open the game, you can jump straight to the level you got stuck in]

A submission to the 2024 GMTK Game Jam 

A Puzzle - Platformer in which you have to alter the dimensions of a banana in order to solve puzzles. 

A  refrence to the 2014 joke banana for scale: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/banana-for-scale


  • WASD - move
  • mosue wheel - rotate banana
  • Left Mouse Button - move Banana
  • Right Mouse Button - freeze banana
  • R - reset banana
  • Q - reset player position
  • ESC - main menu

Updated 23 days ago
Published 28 days ago
StatusIn development
GenrePuzzle, Platformer
Tagsbanana, Brain Training, Game Maker's Toolkit Jam

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